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All topics, Rule of Law, Civic Space

RECLAIM Factsheet & Updates

Recommendations Round-Up – Autumn 2021

Read our assessment of the latest developments and find out our strategies for the next months.

7 Oct 2021

2021 has been full of developments, both at the legal and political level, as concerns rule of law and judicial independence, the protection of civic space and attempts to limit media pluralism. In this factsheet, you will find our assessment of such developments and the next steps we suggest NGOs, human rights defenders, EU institutions and Member States to take to curb such worrying trends.

Rule of Law, All topics

RECLAIM Factsheet & Updates

EU's Rule of Law Conditionality Regulation: Limits and next steps

A must-read to understand the essential points of the new Rule of Law Conditionality Regulation.

6 Sept 2021

In late 2020, EU institutions adopted the much-waited Rule of Law Conditionality Regulation. This new instrument links the disbursement of EU funds to the respect of EU values. However, the final text suffered from severe attempts to water down its effectiveness. Read about this new tool at the disposal of the European Commission to leverage Member States to respect the Rule of Law in our briefing, and find out about its weak points and limits.

Civic Space, All topics

RECLAIM Factsheet & Updates

EU Funding: What's next for the Rights and Values Instrument?

The new EU funding programme for civil society is up and running. Find out here its strengths and weaknesses.

15 Sept 2021

In 2021, the EU launched its Citizens, Equality, Rights & Values programme. With its €1.44 billion financial envelope, it aims at strengthening civil society initiatives and promoting EU values across Member States. In this briefing, you will read its main characteristics, and our suggestions on how to improve it in the forthcoming years.

All topics, Rule of Law, Civic Space

RECLAIM Factsheet & Updates

Human rights Infringement procedures: What can be done?

Infringement procedures 101: The essential guide to understand EU human rights law enforcement.

11 Sept 2021

In this short guide, we analyse infringement procedures as a tool to protect human rights in Europe. Read it to find out more about how they work, how Member States can use them and three priority cases that need your attention.

Civic Space, All topics

RECLAIM Factsheet & Updates

Donor guide on how to enlarge & protect Europe's civic space

Insider’s guide to anti-NGO measures in Europe: what you need to know to limit their chilling effect.

26 Sept 2021

In this short and easy-to-read guide, you will find an overview of the chilling effect that anti-NGO legislation and smear campaigns can have on NGOs’ ability to exercise their rights and freedoms in Europe. You will learn how to identify repressive measures and how EU law can be your ally.

Civic Space, All topics

RECLAIM Legal Opinions

RECLAIM Legal Opinion: 2021 Anti-NGO law in Hungary

EU Member States must protect civil society. Learn how Hungary’s 2021 anti-NGO law violates EU fundamental freedoms.

6 Sept 2021

In 2020, the Court of Justice of the EU found Hungary’s 2017 anti-NGO law in violation of EU law. It stressed that by imposing discriminatory obligations on foreign-funded organisations, Hungary violated, among others, the freedom of association. In 2021, Hungary repealed the law, but adopted a new one which similarly stigmatises non-government-aligned NGOs. Find out more about the legal basis to challenge the new anti-NGO law in this legal opinion.

Civic Space, All topics

RECLAIM Factsheet & Updates

Donor guide on how to tackle anti-LGBTIQ trends in Europe effectively

Wondering how to protect LGBTIQ people? Read our assessment of worrying trends in Europe.

6 Sept 2021

LGBTIQ people are increasingly targeted by authoritarian governments. Local initiatives and NGOs protecting their fundamental rights need new strategies to counteract this trend. Learn more about what is happening and how you can help and push for a more inclusive society in this factsheet.

Civic Space, All topics

RECLAIM Factsheet & Updates

Legislative restrictions over NGOs in Europe: main trends & next steps

Read our recommendations of how to address anti-NGO in Europe.

6 Sept 2021

In many EU Member States, NGOs are operating under growing legislative constraints. Autocratic governments are getting increasingly better at drafting highly technical and repressive legislation. Find out more about this legislative trend and how to identify it in this briefing.

Rule of Law, All topics

RECLAIM Country Profiles

Hungary’s Human Rights Country Profile

All your burning questions about rule of law backsliding in Hungary, answered.

6 Sept 2021

In this country profile we provide an overview of the main areas in which democracy is at danger in Hungary. You will find relevant updates on attacks against judicial independence, media freedom, civil society, minority groups and political opponents, supported by reliable and verifiable sources. You will also find a list of steps that Member States can take to counter these trends.

Rule of Law, All topics

RECLAIM Country Profiles

Poland’s Human Rights Country Profile

Everything you need to know about rule of law backsliding in Poland.

6 Sept 2021

In this country profile we provide an overview of the main areas in which democracy is at danger in Poland. You will find updated information on judicial independence, women’s rights, LGBT+ people and media freedom, supported by relevant and reliable sources. You will also find a list of meaningful actions that Member States can take to address democratic backsliding in Poland and a list of essential readings.

Civic Space, All topics

RECLAIM Policy Briefs

Counter-terrorism Financing AI software: Risks for HRDs

Everything NGOs need to know before using KYC and counter-terrorism profiling tools for their operations.

6 Sept 2021

With sophisticated disinformation campaigns targeting human rights defenders growing, this discussion note explores the legal and ethical concerns linked to the emerging, yet rapidly increasing, NGOs and banks’ use of KYC tools for compliance with donor agreements and counter-terrorism financing regulations. The note also explores possible regulatory fixes that would increase accountability of these services providers and prevent potential human rights abuses linked to data processing and the unfair nature of the standard contract terms.

Civic Space, All topics


Counter-terrorism clauses: Advocacy toolkit

Read this advocacy toolkit to enter into a productive conversation with your backdonors about your organisation compliance systems and redlines.

6 Sept 2021

Over the last decade, counterterrorism clauses have become widespread in development and humanitarian grant contracts and partnership agreements. In recognition of this accelerating trend, this note presents an overview of the operational and legal implications of these clauses for development NGOs working in conflict-affected areas. The note concludes with a menu of recommendations that would allow both donors and NGOs to comply with EU legislation on counterterrorism in a principled manner.

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