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Civic Space

RECLAIM Factsheets & Updates

RECLAIM Factsheet #1 on Hungary's Anti-LGBTQI Law

We break down its details and consequences

14 Feb 2023

Hungary adopted in July 2021 a Russian-styled anti-LGBTIQ+ propaganda law. The law imposes bans on the broadcast and sale of content with LGBTIQ+ characters, as well as inclusive sex education. The European Commission brought the law before the CJEU.
We break down its details, consequences and the procedural path of the lawsuit.

Civic space

RECLAIM Policy Brief

RECLAIM Policy Brief: Civic Space Restrictions in Hungary

Over the past decade, the goverment of Hungary has adopted increasingly repressive measures targeting human rights defenders

8 Aug 2022

Civic space

RECLAIM Policy Brief

RECLAIM Policy Brief: Civic Space Trends in the EU

Over the last few years, many European countries have adopted or have considered adopting measures that restrict the space for civil society

8 Aug 2022


RECLAIM Governance

RECLAIM Anti-Corruption Policy

This is how we prevent corruption in RECLAIM

29 Aug 2022

All RECLAIM employees are obligated to follow RECLAIM’s Anti-corruption policy and report breaches of the policy. All corruption incidents in RECLAIM, partner organisations or other incidents related to RECLAIM activities must be reported into the complaint mechanism. Read more about our policy here or visit

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RECLAIM Governance

RECLAIM Policy Against Workplace Harassment & Sexual Misconduct

We aim at having nothing making you or our staff uncomfortable.

29 Aug 2022

RECLAIM organises the workplace in such a way that psychosocial risks (Violence at work, Harassment in the workplace, Unwanted sexual behaviour) are minimized. Any substantial suspicion of (sexual) exploitation, abuse and/or harassment can be reported to the RECLAIM Chair and will be handled with full confidentiality by an independent complaints committee. RECLAIM staff can also send their complaints to an external mediator. Read more about our internal policies


RECLAIM Governance

RECLAIM Governance Booklet

All you need to know about the governance structure of RECLAIM

29 Aug 2022

RECLAIM has been operative since February 27, 2020. This booklet contains our by-laws and an in-depth explanation of RECLAIM’s governance, including the division of programmatic, financial oversight and management responsibilities between RECLAIM’s different decision-making structures


RECLAIM Governance

RECLAIM Staff Handbook & Codes of Conduct

Are you joining or considering RECLAIM? These are your rights & responsabilities

29 Aug 2022

RECLAIM Staff Handbook describes the rules to ensure its staff’s health and well-being, the contract terms, and the applicable code of conduct and procedures - including the policies to prevent and address workplace bullying and sexual harassment, child abuse and corruption


RECLAIM Governance

RECLAIM Annual report

A quick overview of the recent yearly achievements, our strategy and working methods

29 Aug 2022

RECLAIM places great emphasis on the transparency and openness of its activities. Regardless you are a donor or a supporter, you can read about our activities, our donors and more in this document.

Download >>

All topics, Transparency

RECLAIM Governance

RECLAIM Financial and Procurement Manual

Detailed procedures and internal financial guidelines are critical to having RECLAIM running smoothly

29 Aug 2022

This booklet describes responsibilities and decision-making processes on finance issues, the procedures for approving the purchase of goods/commissioning of services, and the systems we have in place to avoid conflict of interests and corruption risks.

Civic space

RECLAIM Policy Brief

RECLAIM Policy Manual: Disinformation and EU funding investigations

Read our recommendations to the Commission to curb third countries’ authorities’ abuse of EU’s counter-terrorism and anti-fraud mechanisms.

8 Aug 2022

In the unlikely event that an NGO becomes the focus of an unfounded EU funding investigation, its managers should know how to respond. This policy handbook analyses the EU legal framework and the Commission's internal procedures to help NGOs managers limit disruption – including the risk of seeing their EU projects funds suspended or definitively cut. The handbook also provides recommendations to the Commission and EU Member States donors on how to strike a balance between their statutory obligation to investigate all serious allegations of fraud and their responsibility to protect civic space.

Civic Space, All topics

RECLAIM Legal Opinions

RECLAIM Legal Opinion: LGBT-Free Zones in Poland

LGBT+ People face discrimination, hate crimes, and exclusion. But EU law provides protection. Learn how it may help LGBT+ people in Poland

2 May 2022

Over the last years, the LGBT+ community in Poland became the target of increasing defamatory campaigns and discriminatory policies, culminating with the establishment of LGBT-free zones. In this legal briefing, we argue that the creation of such zones amounts to a violation of EU law on internal market and fundamental freedoms. Read more about what EU institutions and Member States can do to protect LGBT+ people in this executive summary and get in touch for the full legal opinion.

Civic Space, All topics

RECLAIM Factsheet & Updates

RECLAIM Factsheet: Anti-LGBT Trends in the EU

EU advocacy tools for LGBTQI rights

2 May 2022

Wondering how to bring the voice of the LGBTQI community back at the heart of the EU? Have a look at our advocacy tips and develop your own EU advocacy strategy

Civic Space

RECLAIM Legal Opinions

RECLAIM Legal Opinion: Hungary's 2021 anti-LGBT law

LGBT+ People face discrimination, hate crimes, and exclusion. But EU law provides protection. Learn how it may help LGBT+ people in Hungary

2 May 2022

Read more about how Hungary's 2021 anti-LGBT law criminalising the LGBTQI community is against fundamental rights and freedoms and how you can use EU law to challenge it

Civic Space, All topics

RECLAIM Policy Briefs

RECLAIM Policy Brief: Anti-LGBTQI trends in the EU

Advancing the protection of LGBTQI rights in the EU

2 May 2022

This policy briefing aims at providing an overview of the anti-LGBT trends in the EU as affecting the LGBTQI community as a whole and its particular impact over LGBTQI groups and rights defenders. The briefing also provides targeted recommendations for EU institutions and Member States' authorities to push back against those trends

Civic Space

RECLAIM Governance

RECLAIM 2022 Priorities on Civic Space Trends in the EU

Our research and advocacy priorities to support civic space in the EU in 2022

5 Feb 2022

Civil society organisations in the EU are facing increasing challenges in conducting their daily activities. In RECLAIM, we have identified three main trends that deserve our attention. Check our policy priorities and get in touch to know more!

Civic Space

RECLAIM Factsheet & Updates

RECLAIM Factsheet: Acess to basic banking services

A must-read to understand why the European Statute for Associations is important to end NGO's de-risking

15 Dec 2021

In this short factsheet, we analyse how the EU legislator can give concrete meaning to NGOs’ freedom of association by recognising their right to access basic banking services. Read more to find out what opportunities exist at EU level to see European-based NGO's right to hold a simple business account recognised and what else banks can do to meet their responsabilites under the United Guiding Principles on Business and Human Rights

Civic Space

RECLAIM Factsheet & Updates

RECLAIM Factsheet: The impact of AML/CTF obligations on civic space

A must-read to understand how AML and CTF requirements inadvertently restrict civic space in the EU.

15 Dec 2021

Financial entities are subject to increasing obligations under EU CTF/AML legislation. Among them, vetting clients can be particularly expensive. When NGOs are clients, the specificities of the non-profit sector add further challenges. Read our factsheet to have a clearer picture of the impact that banks’ CTF and AML obligations have on civic space and how the EU, Member States and financial institutions can effectively end NGOs de-risking.

All topics, Rule of Law, Civic Space

RECLAIM Factsheet & Updates

Recommendations Round-Up – Autumn 2021

Read our assessment of the latest developments and find out our strategies for the next months.

7 Oct 2021

2021 has been full of developments, both at the legal and political level, as concerns rule of law and judicial independence, the protection of civic space and attempts to limit media pluralism. In this factsheet, you will find our assessment of such developments and the next steps we suggest NGOs, human rights defenders, EU institutions and Member States to take to curb such worrying trends.

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