Laurent Pech
Doctor Pech is Professor of European Law and Dean of Law at University College Dublin.
Laurent is an esteemed expert on EU public law, European human rights law and the rule of law and he also coordinates the Good Lobby Profs. His most recent research focuses on illiberal trends and the rule of law breakdown in EU Member States with a particular interest in Poland and Hungary.
Laurent advises RECLAIM on rule of law issues.

Rémy Bonny
Rémy Bonny is the executive director of Forbidden Colours – a non-profit delivering human rights and democracy for LGBTIQ+ people in Europe.
Bonny studies how ultraconservative and anti-democratic regimes use disinformation campaigns on LGBTIQ+ topics to destabilize democracies, focusing on the activities of the Russian Federation and Hungary.
Rémy advises RECLAIM on issues related to Foreign Information Manipulation and Interference and LGBTQI+ rights.

Gregorczyk-Abram is an attorney-at-law at Clifford-Chance. She is also the co-founder of the civic initiative KOS – an umbrella organization associating judges and prosecutors, NGOs and think tanks involved in the defence of the rule of law in Poland.
She frequently represents judges, activists, and scholars harassed by the authorities, including in complex cases before the Court of Justice of the EU.
Sylwia advises RECLAIM on the specific situation of judges in Poland.

Sarit Michaeli
Michaeli is one of Israel’s most prominent human rights defenders. For decades she has been documenting human rights violations and engaged prominent international media in exposing these.
Sarit works with Israel’s leading human rights NGO, BTselem. After 13 years as its spokesperson, she is now responsible for its international advocacy.
Sarit mentors RECLAIM on the protection of at-risk human rights defenders and intersectional activism.

Eszter Polgári
Dr. Polgári is the Director of the Legal Programme of Háttér, the largest LGBTQI+ NGO in Hungary.
Throughout her career, Eszter has been extensively involved in researching, monitoring and litigating LGBTQI+ rights. Her expertise primarily focuses on the European Convention on Human Rights, with a special emphasis on the role of comparative law and the protection of LGBTQI rights.
Eszter advises RECLAIM on LGBTQI rights issues in Europe.

Alfiaz Vaiya
Vaiya has vast experience in combatting racism and discrimination. Among others, Alfiaz coordinated the European Parliament’s Anti-Racism and Diversity Intergroup (ARDI) and co-founded the MetooEP - an initiative to raise awareness and combat sexual harassment in the European Parliament.
Alfiaz advises RECLAIM on racial and religious discrimination and inclusion.

Morten Kjaerum
Morten Kjaerum is the Director of the Raoul Wallenberg Institute of Human Rights and Humanitarian Law.
Prior to that, he was the first Director of the European Union Agency for Fundamental Rights (FRA) and the founding Director of the Danish Institute for Human Rights (DIHR), which he grew from a small organisation to a large internationally recognized institution.
Morten is helping RECLAIM by providing long-term strategic advice.

Simone Susskind
Susskind is a former Senator and member of the Belgian Parliament and an esteemed peace and human rights activist. In 2012 she was awarded the title of baroness as a recognition of her long-standing engagement for peace in the Middle East and dialogue between Jewish and Muslim communities in Brussels.
Simone is the founder of Actions in the Mediterranean and directed Belgium’s Jewish Secular Community Center between 1985 and 1995.
Simone mentors RECLAIM on community mobilization, feminism and the fight against anti-Semitism.